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Daily Morning Prayers: 5:00AM-6:00AM


Women’s Movement is an organization within the Church that seeks to deepen spiritual life in the women members of the Church, by meeting together for prayers and fellowship, to enter into intercession on behalf of the Divine purpose, and to work generally among women under the direction of the leaders.

They cooperate with the local administration of the Church, Pastors and Apostles, in visitation and other avenues of service particularly adapted to womanhood. The Motto for the Women’s Movement is “Holiness unto the Lord.


The purpose of the Men’s Fellowship is to deepen the spiritual life of the layman of the Church, to cultivate denominational loyalty and to expand the denomination through education and personal evangelism. The Men’s Fellowship educates Apostolic Church men in their mission, privilege and responsibility, giving insights into specific areas of service through the Local Church to their Community, State, Nation and the World.

The Motto for the Men’s Fellowship is “Men of God, Be Strong in the Lord”


There are two sections in the Witness Movement: a young adults ministry and a youth ministry.

The Young Adults Ministry is organized for the purpose of catering to the needs of young adults who don’t fit into the youth group or the Men’s and Women’s movements. This ministry is conducted as part of the Witness Movement of The Apostolic Church. The Young Adults Ministry has for its object the general interest and advancement of the spiritual life of all young adults in the Church. Its function is to initiate and establish a band of spirit-filled members and to train and develop the young adults in personal witnessing for Christ.

The Apostolic Youth movement is an organization within the Church, which has for its object the general interest and advancement of the spiritual life of all young people in the Church. Its function is to initiate and establish a band of spirit-filled members in every assembly, and to train and develop the young people in personal witnessing for Christ.

The motto for the Witness Movement is, “God First” and the slogan “Sons of God, March Forward.”


The purpose of the Children’s Movement is to win children for Christ and train them for responsiblepositions in the church and society through impartation into them of sound scriptural tenets.

The motto of the Children and Ministry is, “Good news! Christ died for my sins.”


APOSA is an acronym for Apostolic Students and Associates.  APOSA is an organization within the church that serves as a fellowship of Students and Associates in local assemblies and educational institutions.  They are primarily responsible for the promotion of the spiritual, social, professional and intellectual development of members of the church.

Membership is open to students and non-students, who have professed belief in the vision of APOSA.  Associate membership is open to non-students and all non-members of the church who have professed belief in the doctrines of the church and the vision of APOSA.

The motto of APOSA is, “APOSA, Arise and Build”