Church Mission


We believe in the proverb, “Knowledge is Power,” and in God’s statement in Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed from lack of knowledge.”  Consequently, our passion is to equip you with sound biblical knowledge in order for you to progressively become more like Christ.  As a result, we teach our members to reach out to and become a safe haven for the lost and dying, we teach you to rely on and use the Bible as the sole guide of Christian life, and we teach you to be persevering in prayer eschewing the pursuit of personal prophecies.
At Arizona Bethsaida West we strive to practice what we call Redemptive Discipleship.  Redemptive Discipleship centers on the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and his redemptive mission to earth.  We want you to come to our church just as you are without being judged.  Then we will come alongside you and help you, under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to experience Transformational Growth by using contextual ways to build you up into becoming more and more like Christ.  In the process, the mutual indwelling of the Holy Spirit and your human spirit will be intensified and raised to new levels.  Consequently, you will come to view Jesus as Lord and obey your Lord out of gratitude for his saving grace and as an outgrowth of his sanctification, and not as a basis for being justified.  This will allow you to live a very fulfilling and fruitful spiritual life.
Come check us out during our Sunday church service and you’ll find that we’re the church family you’ve been looking for.
May God’s presence be with you.


  • The Unity of the God-head and the Trinity of the persons there-in.
  • The utter depravity of human nature, the necessity for repentance and regeneration and the eternal doom of the finally impenitent (i.e., unrepentant).
  • The Virgin Birth, Sinless Life, Atoning Death, Triumphant Resurrection, Ascension and Abiding intercession of Our Lord Jesus Christ.  His second coming and millennial reign upon earth.
  • Justification and sanctification of the believer through the finished work of Christ.
  • The baptism of the Holy Ghost for believers with signs following.
  • The nine gifts of the Holy Ghost for the edification, exhortation and comfort of the Church, which is the body of Christ.
  • The sacraments of baptism by immersion and of the Lord’s Supper.
  • The divine inspiration and authority of the Holy Scriptures.
  • Church government by Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors, Teachers, Elders and Deacons.
  • The possibility of falling from Grace.
  • The obligatory nature of Tithes and Offerings.